我們這個社區第一次由小型遊覽車載來了20位"貴夫人",這些都是國際婦女會的團員, 其中有七位是各國大使與代表的太太.
這些太太們還真是親切友善,副會長Connie是最熱心了,幫忙炒青菜與招呼這些會員,人多好辦事,一聲"help please"馬上桌上就呈現美味的午餐;縣長有承諾要來,結果行程太滿,改派觀光處長前來,大家毫無禁忌的enjoy午餐.
來到一家三國,本來就是像大家庭似的,午餐後大家漫步到觀景台, 回頭一看,大家都說我們是住在世外桃源裡,農村的美令大家驚嘆!
回到屋內,剛好是tea time,現在是柑橘季節,所以昨天烘培的蛋糕,餅乾皆用柑橘入味,connie也特地帶來了好多零嘴,冬天我偏愛的馬來西亞黑糯米也端上桌,滿滿的一桌西點,南洋甜點,台灣零嘴,真是澎湃十足!大家是嘴裡喊著太飽,手卻欲罷不能的拿著零嘴吃,這個時候,也是大家談天說地的時候,突然間史瓦濟蘭王國的njabuliso把一箱重達十斤的橘子頂在頭上,走來走去,而且還能隨著音樂起舞呢!對於她頂上的功夫,大家真是佩服,有些太太們也躍躍欲試,結果都沒辦法,njabuliso說在她的國家,每個小孩從小就已練好這功夫 ,十斤橘子頂在頭上是小case.
A day visit is not enough,great oranges,great lunch,great company.
This is the first time the bus enter my area. once get off the bus, these women group rush into the orange farm, far away I heard yelling, cheering and laughing. when I greet them infront of my log home, they just busy posing for photo taking.
These women groups are from Taipei international women's club (TIWC). the attendants are H.E Njabuliso B. Gwebu, ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland; Mrs. Ann KeKe ,wife of Ambassador Dr.Ludwig Dowong KeKE of the Republic of Nauru; Mrs. Lale Lorena Eroktem, wife of representative of the Turkey Trade office; Mrs.Beata Preiffer, wife of Mr. Gerhard Pfeiffer, deputy director of the Austrian Tourism Office; Mrs.Deepa Seetharam, wife of T.P. Seetharam, director General of the India; Mrs. Zawiah Ahmad, wife of the Mr. Abdullah Mohd Salleh, who is the president of Malaysian Friendship & Trade Centre,and Mrs Choo Hien Keow, whose husband works in the investment department of the same malaysian trade center.
Looking at this list, that is the reason why Connie Pong, 2nd vice president of TIWC, The co-organizer for this outing trip is proudly proclaimed "one bus, seven countries". Apart from these honorary members of TIWC,the group also included president Ruby Sung, past president Lansing Chen and her husband George Wang, and members Jinlee Faung, Kelly Cheng, Sophia Lu, Alice Lee, Yo Ching Cheng, and Pearl Chen.
As requested, lunch is traditional Hsinchu fried mee hoon and organic carrot soup with famous Hsinchu meatballs, plus fresh cabbages from my farm.
When Fan Wan Chao, Director general of Hsinchu County Government drop in for lunch, he was amused by this group of ladies. After lunch, walking along the pathway, looking at the rows of trees dotted with oranges is so appealing,it is so tempted to pluck. They areso impress with my organic farm, obviously my malaysian herbs is attracting as well.Again, these ladies never miss a snap of shot.
Back to the log home is just the time for tea, nibbling homemade orange flaroured cakes and sipping orange tea, everybody is busy eating and chatting. Suddenly Njabuliso demonstrated her acquired skill from Swaziland by balancing the huge box of oragnes on her head. Her skill do give us surprise.
When is time to depart, everybody is handful with oranges. Just like what Ann KeKe left the message on the guestbook: A day visit is not enough, great orange, great lunch, great company. I do love these company, hope they will come again.