4月底是臺北國際婦女會一年一度的盛事 ---- 慈善晚會。忙了接待客人幾天,剛好這個晚會也算是個辛苦的
在現場又賣一張100元的獎卷。想想看只花100元就可獲得這麼棒的獎,的確是很大的誘惑啊 ! 其中有一位太
The biggest event of TIWC is our annual Gala. This year I incharged the lucky draw & raffle tickets.
Each raffle ticket cost only NT$100, & the biggest price is a night stay in Eclat Hotel which cost
NT$35000. What a great attraction! Besides, many other prices & lots of surprises!
美國在臺協會的 mad cow band 一表演,真是有一股衝動,跳舞耶! 那些熟悉的鄉村音樂,足夠令我回味在
When the AIT mad cow band performed, somehow tthere is a urge to dance. But in reality I can't as
I have work to do.
次在大眾場合公開獻唱,勇氣可嘉。大家都很專注的聆聽,陶醉在他們的歌聲裡 .......
The hightlight of the evening is ambassador Gwebu and AIT director Eric Madison singing duet. The
first time ever to see the ambassador was performing on stage. They are not professioner singer, but
the spirit to sing for charity, really touch all people's heart.
The evening is successfully ended. It's a pity that I have to catch the last train,
leaving reluctantly ^_^ Well, may be next year I will stay.........