目前分類:築夢歷程 (75)

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一家三國 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We named our dream house as one house 3 looks. As there are three of us in the family, but each of us has different nationality. I am a malaysian, my husband is a Taiwanese, and my son is a canadian. One house 3 looks doesn't mean we have three types of interior display, but definetely offer three types of living lifestyle. We keep the traditional chinese culture,but adopt the western thinking.We are very open minded & love  to have friends around.The house is very western country, but the cooking is very international, chinese, malaysian, thais, pasta, fish & chips.... alot of varieties.We intend to install three country flags ie.malaysia,taiwan&canada in front of our house. Surely it will catch the eyes of many. Last, but not least, my bulldog are from french originally. What a combination!

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