My husband & son are nike lover. From top to toes, they are always nike look.When nike is on sale, they are crazyof buying socks. Believe it or not, they can open a shop selling socks! As I changed my way of living while I was in vancouver, everything is simple & comfortable. Back in Taiwan, when come to shpping, both of them still hunting for nike, but I just enjoy my window shopping. We treat shopping as a day trip, take our own sweet time, wandering & looking around.
Now the house is in the state of decoration.we always go for shopping. I regard shopping now is "burning money" at all times, but is the time to work as a team. No more nike! Everything is for the dream home.In the past, we used to buy things when we needed, gradually the house is loaded with many things. Now in the situation, because is a new house, everything has to be purchased, we are spending not for ourselves anymore, but to fill up the house with our love & consideration.